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BCC Group Homes

BCC Group Homes

Group Home One is a ten-bed home for children, adolescents and young adults with medical and developmental disabilities who are transitioning from a skilled nursing facility, their own home, a foster home or other setting.  The physical plant of the facility includes a kitchen, a dining area, semi-private bedrooms, shower room, and a patio.  Broward Children's Center Group Home One continues to meet the needs within the community for those individuals who developmental and medical need require alternative living environments that provide a continuity of care. Referrals are primarily from agencies throughout the tri county area.

The group home is staffed with 2-3 certified nursing assistants twenty-four hours a day, under the supervision of registered nurses and nurse practitioner.  Other medical services include twenty-four-hour access to a primary physician as well as a comprehensive array of pediatric sub-specialists.  All individuals if eligible attend a school-based program in the community or in another Broward Children's Center educational program and have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) created to address all academic domains as well as activities of daily living (ADL’s). All individuals, if applicable, also have an Individual Program Plan (IPP) developed by a transdisciplinary team consisting of a social worker, activities staff, therapy staff, nursing, the individual as appropriate and/or family member.

The plan identifies the strategies and training areas that will be addressed to help the resident achieve their support plan goals. All residents have a physical management plan developed by the therapy department as well as ADL and feeding programs as appropriate. All individuals also receive occupational, physical, and or speech therapy evaluations and therapy at school and in their home environment as appropriate.   All adaptive equipment, mobility needs, and assistive technology services, are provided by the therapy department.  Daily and weekly activities are administered by the group home activities personnel. 


Activities include:

  • Sensory stimulation,

  • Music and Concerts,

  • Gardening

  • Arts and Crafts,

  • Cooking,

  • Videos and Movies

  • Reading and Literature programs

  • Sporting Events and Recreation

  • Shopping

  • Field trips

  • Special events


The long term goal of the Broward Children's Center Group Homes is to maximize participation in appropriate daily activities within the resident’s home environment and within their community. 


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